A program that supports women who are not U.S. nationals but who nurture graduate and post-doctoral ambitions.
Scholarship Description.
The American Association of University Women AAUW International fellowship is a program that supports women who are not U.S. nationals but who nurture graduate and post-doctoral ambitions.
The program tilts towards women with outstanding academic achievements, women who are committed to and passionate about bettering the lives of women and girls, and who intend to return to their home countries to pursue their causes. The program also awards limited grants for studies outside the U.S. The program is an $18,000 to $30,000 international fellowship which is open from August 1 and closes November 15.
Degree Level:
Graduate and Post-doctoral Degree programs.
Eligible Nationalities:
All Nationalities.
Eligibility Criteria:
To apply, students must:
- Be a citizen of a country other than the U.S.
- Hold an academic degree equivalent to a U.S. Bachelor’s Degree.
- Intend to return to their home countries upon completion of the program.
- Prove proficiency in English through proficiency exams.
- Provide proof of doctorate degree if they are post-doctoral applicants.
- Have applied b November 15, 2021.
- Must be enrolled in a U.S. accredited institution located in the U.S. during the fellowship ear.
In addition, the program is not open to previous recipients of the AAUW international fellowship grant. Also, members of the AAUW board, including current interns, are not eligible.
The ideal Applicants:
The ideal applicant must:
- Reside in their home country at the time of application.
- Be positioned to return to home country.
- Prove community and civic service in their home country.
- Prove home country’s need for specialized knowledge.
Scholarship Benefits
The program amounts to $18,000 for a Masters degree, $20,000 for a PhD program, and $30,000 for a post-doctoral program.
Application Procedures:
How-To-Apply: Prospective applicants who have met the eligibility criteria described above need to click here to apply.